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Sanitation in the Hotel Industry

Sanitation in the Hotel Industry

Blog Sanitation in the Hotel Industry Maintaining customer loyalty and confidence in the hotel industry means staying on top of sanitation practices. Disinfecting hotel rooms, frequently touched areas, and common spaces ensure guests remain healthy as we begin to...
Biofilms and Their Relationship to ATP

Biofilms and Their Relationship to ATP

Blog Biofilms and Their Relationship to ATP Testing Biofilms are the unseen curse that can wreak havoc on a quality system.  They are the bane of the existence of food Quality Managers. As a Quality Manager, you create a Food Safety Plan comprised of Standard...
The Art of Grain Sampling

The Art of Grain Sampling

Blog The Art of Grain Sampling Whether it’s for human food or animal food, grain is an extensive industry that impacts almost everyone in some way. That is why it’s critical to ensure grain products are as high quality as possible. It all starts with a...
How ATP Testing Advances the Hospitality Industry

How ATP Testing Advances the Hospitality Industry

Blog How ATP Testing Advances the Hospitality Industry Although the hospitality industry has strengthened its cleaning practices, consumers must be confident that these more stringent protocols are truly effective. According to AAA research, 76 percent of customers...