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Charm Sciences HostsExecutives from Brazil forDairy Safety Seminar 2017

Week Long Summit Allows Exchange of Ideas, Experiences and Best Practices

Lawrence, MA – Charm welcomed a group of customers from Brazil for a weeklong visit, hosted in conjunction with Hexis Científica, Charm’s Brazilian distributor. This was the fourth time Charm has hosted a group from Brazil.

Time was spent both onsite at Charm, and on field visits to food processing and dairy facilities around New England. While at Charm, the group participated in seminars, presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on trainings. These covered a range of topics, providing an in-depth introduction to Charm, information on dairy production and regulation in the United States and Brazil. Throughout the week, comprehensive conversations were had about the challenges faced by these Brazilian companies.

Over the course of the week, the group toured a dairy farm with a robotic milking system, a food manufacturing and packaging plant, a dairy cooperative, and a dairy plant. At each visit, hosts shared expertise in maintaining their strict quality standards.

“The seminar was a great opportunity to contribute to my technical improvement. I could also clarify doubts and even exchange technical concepts with the knowledge and studies presented by the team at Charm. It was really important to understand and see all the quality control involved in their manufacture and concern about quality and safety of Charm’s products.” Andre Luiz de Oliveira Assis, Quality Control Supervisor at Confepar Agro-Industrial Cooperative Central.

About Charm Sciences

Established in 1978 in Greater Boston, Charm Sciences helps protect consumers, manufacturers, and global brands from a variety of issues through the development of food safety, water quality, and environmental diagnostics tests and equipment. Selling directly and through its network of distributors, Charm’s products serve the dairy, feed and grain, food and beverage, water, healthcare, environmental, and industrial markets in more than 100 countries around the globe.