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On the Farm

Industries / On the Farm

Identify Issues Before You Go to Market

After pioneering the first rapid antibiotic milk test in 1978, Charm has continued innovating by expanding its portfolio to provide farmers with a variety of easy-to-use, economical, rapid testing options. With Charm as a partner, farmers are able to meet regulatory requirements and provide the greatest quantity of safe, quality milk, food, feed and grain to market. Charm’s diagnostics portfolio for farmers includes test kits for antibiotics, aflatoxin M1, pasteurization verification, pathogens, and sanitation/hygiene (ATP). All Charm tests are backed by expert customer and technical support.

Trust the Science of Charm Tests for the Farming Industry

Antibiotics Tests

Charm provides easy, rapid tests for detection of antibiotic residues in milk. ROSA tests (Rapid One Step Assay) detect specific antibiotics or families of antibiotics, and CowSide II, a broad-spectrum inhibition test, detects multiple families of antibiotics all at once in a single test. Charm ROSA milk tests are the leading residue diagnostic tests employed by the dairy industry worldwide—over 75% of the global raw milk supply is tested with ROSA milk tests. These tests use patented technology to deliver fast, accurate detection of antibiotics in a convenient lateral flow format. ROSA tests take 3 or 8 minutes to complete, and can be run visually or with a Reader. The CowSide II test takes 3 hours to run and can be read visually. The Charm Kidney Inhibition Swab (KIS) is a simple to use inhibition test for screening broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs in large animal kidney tissue (all species of pigs, cows, sheep, goats), or can be modified to be applied to poultry serum, animal feed, beef and porcine urine. Using a separately supplied buffer, water and animal feeds may also be tested.

Antibiotics Training

SLBL Training Video

Mycotoxin Tests

The Charm SL Aflatoxin Quantitative Test (SLAFMQ) is the only quantitative strip test that detects the presence of aflatoxin M1 in raw commingled milk. The MRL Aflatoxin test (MRLAFMQ) is the only rapid lateral flow test to meet the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 50 ppt (ug/kg) aflatoxin M1 in milk established by the European Union. The new qualitative Aflatoxin M1 test (SLAFM) provides a cost-effective, visual method for customers who wish to screen on the farm without additional equipment and when quantitative results are not required.

Pathogen Tests

E*Colite and PathoGel are single use, self-contained tests with selective medium designed to detect coliform, E. coli and hydrogen sulfide producing enterobacteriaceae typically found in salmonella species (often associated with poultry).

Phosphatase Test for Pasteurization

Charm F-AP Test is the fastest available phosphatase method to verify the completeness of pasteurization. Dairy farmers can quickly verify on-farm pasteurization of milk for farmstead processing, or pasteurized milk and waste milk fed to calves.

Facility Sanitation/Hygiene (ATP)

PocketSwab Plus tests are a room-temperature stable, self-contained, single service rapid ATP (adenosine triphosphate) hygiene swab test that provides immediate verification of total surface hygiene. FieldSwab is uniquely engineered to be implemented outdoors in “field” type applications or environments such as farming equipment or in housing areas.


Today, over 75% of the global raw milk supply is tested with Charm products. This includes bovine, goat, sheep, and camel milk.

Product Questions?

Contact our customer service team for support and purchase options.

Toll Free: 800.343.2170