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Allergen Testing Solutions

Ensure Consumer Safety with High-sensitivity ATP Swabs for Allergenic Food Residues

Products / Test and Kits / Allergen Tests

According to the World Allergy Organization, there are approximately 250 million people world-wide who suffer from food allergies which can often be fatal. In the past decade, no country has reported a decline in allergies. To the contrary, most countries have reported increases.

While many countries still do not have legislation requiring labeling for food products, in those that do, citizens rely on accurate information to stay healthy. That is why it is essential to make sure processing equipment, production lines and rinse water are clean and tested between runs.


Charm AllerGiene is an ATP-based allergen control test designed to prevent cross-contact from allergenic food soil on process equipment. It measures ATP (adenosine triphosphate) at low levels as an indicator for the presence of food on wet-cleaned surfaces or rinse waters. AllerGiene is a simple 20-second swab test with sufficient high sensitivity to allergenic food residues to achieve detection comparable to specific allergen methods — 0.1 to 25 ppm for most of the eight allergen food groups: Peanut butter, wheat, soybeans, crustacean (shrimp), milk, tree nuts, egg, and sesame.

There are approximately 250 million people world-wide who suffer from food allergies which can often be fatal.

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