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Charm II Amphenicols

The Charm II amphenicol test (CAP) detects the banned drug chloramphenicol at 1.0 ppb in milk. It is approved by the US National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS). The method cross-reacts with florfenicol, a drug used to treat bovine respiratory disease, as well as thiamphenicol and the metabolite chloramphenicol glucuronide.

To detect lower levels of chloramphenicol in milk, use the Charm II chloramphenicol test (AIIHM), specific to chloramphenicol at 0.1 ppb.

The Charm II system can test animal tissue, honey, and grain samples. The Charm II amphenicol test for tissue detects chloramphenicol at the US and EU Minimum Required Performance Limit (MRPL) of 0.3 ppb. The Charm II chloramphenicol test for honey detects chloramphenicol at 0.3 ppb.

The tissue test is used to test animal tissue, including beef, pork, and poultry. The grain test detects amphenicols in grain and feed. 

Charm II tests run on the Charm II system and are designed for use by veterinarians, laboratory, and regulatory personnel. They provide a comprehensive analysis of biological residues on multiple matrices and meet EU MRLs and US FDA Safe Levels.

Charm II tests use a binding reagent with specific receptor sites. The binder is added to a sample along with an exempt amount of labeled tracer. Any drugs in the sample compete for the binding sites with this tracer. The amount of tracer that binds to the receptor sites is measured and compared to a previously determined Control Point. The Control Point is the cutoff point between a negative or positive sample. The greater the amount of tracer measured, the lower the drug concentration in the sample. The smaller the amount of tracer measured, the greater the drug concentration in the sample.


  • CAP test for milk detects 1.0 ppb chloramphenicol and is NCIMS approved
  • AIIHM test for milk detects 0.1 ppb chloramphenicol
  • Honey and tissue tests detect chloramphenicol at 0.3 ppb, the EU MRPL
  • Tests take 10 to 15 minutes after any needed extraction
  • One platform tests multiple sample types
  • Tests designed for use by veterinary, laboratory, field, and regulatory personnel

Regulatory Info

  • The CAP test for milk is approved by the US National Conference of Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS).
  • Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) guidelines are available upon request.



Feed and Grain

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