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Charm AllerGiene is an ATP-based allergen control test designed to prevent cross-contact from allergenic food soil on process equipment. It measures ATP (adenosine triphosphate) at low levels as an indicator for the presence of food on wet-cleaned surfaces or rinse waters. AllerGiene is a simple 20-second swab test with sufficient high sensitivity to allergenic food residues to achieve detection comparable to specific allergen methods — 0.1 to 25 ppm for most of the eight allergen food groups: Peanut butter, wheat, soybeans, crustacean (shrimp), milk, tree nuts, egg, and sesame.

The Charm AllerGiene hygiene test can be implemented in HACCP programs, helping manufacturers prevent allergen cross-contamination by verifying the cleaning and removal of food residues from shared processing lines. Immediate results from AllerGiene enables re-cleaning before the next production cycle.


  • Results in 20 seconds
  • Detects ATP from all eight FDA major foods containing allergens in one test
  • Food sensitivities comparable with allergen specific methods
  • Enables immediate re-cleaning
  • Achieves a “higher level of clean”
  • Accurate readings with novaLUM luminometer



Pharmaceutical / Cosmeceutical / Nutraceutical

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