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The FieldSwab ATP swabs enable food safety programs to be implemented outdoors. Like the PocketSwab Plus ATP swab, the FieldSwab rapidly detects ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as a measure of surface cleanliness.  This is done by measuring the light units produced when ATP reacts with luciferin/luciferase. The FieldSwab test has a light-blocking cover to prevent interferences from daylight and uses a specially calibrated channel on the novaLUM II-X ATP Dectection System.

The FieldSwab test provides outdoor sanitation monitoring in 30 seconds. It is ideal for testing food grade trucks, including gaskets and hoses. Grain producers can test bins, conveyors, rail cars, screeners, and other equipment. In the field, produce manufacturers can test harvesting equipment, blades, belts, chutes, irrigation equipment, and other farming equipment.


  • Accurate readings outdoors with novaLUM II-X System
  • Results in 30 seconds
  • Enables immediate remediation
  • Room temperature shelf life of 11 months
  • Recycle or discard in regular waste


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